[AccessD] deduplication

Michael R Mattys mmattys at rochester.rr.com
Mon Jan 15 06:46:14 CST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JWColby" <jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com>
> Thus my job is to now identify all three of these "john Colby" records and
> merge all of the "survey" fields back into a single record, deleting the 
> two
> now un-needed extra records in the process.  If it weren't for the fact 
> that
> there are about 650 "survey" fields this would not be such a big task.
> It is specifically the ~650 fields that causes the issue for Access as (I
> believe) Access cannot handle that many fields at a time.

I think I'd still look at how to normalize the database.
Look at how to query the data such that an INSERT ...WHERE
would create a distinct table for Survey N.
Then write all 700 fields as the header to a csv
Then use each survey-query to populate the one line across.
Import into a new table when finished.

Michael R. Mattys
MapPoint & Access Dev

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