jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Jan 23 15:04:14 CST 2007
Charlotte, That is a good question, and my guess is that it does not, at least not the SAME problem. IOW, what is running out is DAO recordsets that appear to be in a pool. I used the following code to "test the limits" Function FETestOpenRst() As Integer On Error GoTo Err_FETestOpenRst Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim col As Collection Set db = CurrentDb Debug.Print db.Name Set col = New Collection While True Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("usystblFEFWSysVars") col.Add rst Wend Exit_FETestOpenRst: Exit Function Err_FETestOpenRst: Select Case Err Case 3014, 3048 FETestOpenRst = col.Count 'Debug.Print col.Count & " recordsets available to open." 'MsgBox Err.Description & col.Count & " recordsets open.", , "Error in Function basCallback.FETestOpenRst" Resume Exit_FETestOpenRst Case Else MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function basCallback.FETestOpenRst" Resume Exit_FETestOpenRst End Select Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function This does nothing more than open a table over and over, adding a pointer to the recordset to a collection (to hold it open) untilo I got a JET error that prevents opening any more recordsets. When I just open my FE and run this, the first number I get is 2042. That represents the maximum number that I can open before I start to get an error in CODE. However in real life, I start getting errors when the number drops down into the 1300 range, which means that for whatever reason, Access starts to not populate forms and combos when its pool of available recordset pointers (if there is such a thing as a pool) drops below a certain level. So, can you offload this by using ADO recordsets? Probably. Can you bind a combo to an ADO recordset? In testing this (long ago), I started out by creating a set of combos bound to a recordset. I then copied that compo and pasted it back in, in groups of ten, until I had groups of 100, then groups of 100 etc. Opening and closing until I started getting errors. Later I built this function above to do my testing. John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Charlotte Foust Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:02 PM To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: Re: [AccessD] Array as source for query Jurgen, Does the restriction still cause problems if you use ADO disconnected recordsets? They could be written to and populated from an XML file as well. I haven't worked much in Access with them since version 2000 because my shop insisted on DAO, but ADO.Net is so flexible, that I would suspect the answer lies in ADO with Access. I know I have an old demo that uses ADO to bounce between an array and a recordset in memory and then writes it to an XML file. Charlotte Foust