[AccessD] Access 2007: Set Database Options in Code

Gale Perez galeper at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 18:40:03 CDT 2007

I need to distribute copies of an Access 2007 db and would like to know if I
can set the following in code:

·         Add the user's FE and BE paths to the Trust Center's "Trusted
Locations"; I tried adding it manually from my machine, but when I emailed
it to the user, they were wiped out (maybe because those paths don't exist
from my machine), so I had to go to each user's machine and add the paths.

·         Hide the navigation pane (even though I check it not to show, the
minimized bar is still there and users can still click on it to expand it)

·         Hide all tabs (home, create, external data, db tools)  and disable
shortcut menus - I checked the box to hide full menus and shortcut menus,
but they still show up

Thank you for any help!


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