Steve Schapel
miscellany at
Tue Jun 12 14:25:47 CDT 2007
Chris, In addition to Jim's advice, for which you could alternatively use: If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then ... I am also unfamiliar with the concept of: Me!List0.Recordset Should that be?... Me!List0.RowSource A further comment... And far as I know, DAO is not ancient. Whereas Microsoft, in line with the introduction of ADPs, made ADO the default for Access 2000 and Access 2002, this was then reversed for Access 2003 and Access 2007, and as you know, ADPs have lost favour. Even in Access 2000 days, some of the unofficial communication from Microsoft was that DAO/Jet/ODBC was the recommended way to connect to SQL Server backends. No, DAO is not ancient, and I believe should still be regarded as the #1 data access technology for Access. Regards Steve Hale, Jim wrote: > It appears you are missing part of the if test. Try > If rs.BOF and rs.EOF then > HTH > Jim Hale