[AccessD] Developing European Applications

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Jun 20 08:05:47 CDT 2007

Sounds like a framework service to me.  clsFrm pulls data out of the
language string table based on the name of the form.  Before the form opens
it writes the data out into the labels. 

Organize the tables such that there is a FormCtl table which has a form name
column, and a control name column and a PK.  A child formLanguage table has
a FK back to a record in the FormCtl table, an FK to a Language table
(french, german, english, Dutch), and then a record for each language you
need to translate to.  Place a language ID out in a language variable in the
framework, then have frmClass dynamically build a SQL statement to pull all
records from the formControl table joined to FormLanguage table for the
indicated language, for the form currently opening.  clsFrm then iterates
that recordset distributing the language string based on the control name.

>From that point on it works for any form, for any control, for any language.

You might need a property field in the FormLanguage table to allow for
things like control tim text, status bar text and caption.

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting
-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Erwin Craps - IT
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:09 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Developing European Applications

Hi Paul

I'm from Belgium and have some experience with that in Access.
I got my musterd years ago from the ATM sample application in VB5/6 thats
give a good demonstration how to do that.
You gonna need to programmatic replace the captions by a text coming from a
table that you load into a collection when opening the app. You can do this
by setting some code or number in the tag property (as I do in Access) or
use some kind of coding to name your controls. This does slow down the
loding of forms but it is unnoticable if have have a normal amount of
controls on your forms. Further more it is best to have a table or registry
sayying which language to use for that specific user. Do not base yourself
to the windows language or country settings because that is not ideal.
Please take note that Netherlands Dutch  and Belgian Dutch are technicaly
the same language bur there is a serious difference in the choice of words.
Iow if you want to be pa pro, you gonna need a Belgian dutch and a
Netherlands dutch version.
And don't forget 40% Of belgian is French speaking. So if this client is for
instance located in Brussel, you gonna need the ability to have French and
Dutch (and probably English to) depending on the logged in user.
A Lot of Multinational companies in Belgium do force English as the software
language, so maybe you don't need the translation. >>> should ask the
THIS IS IMPORTANT: Both Dutch and French are longer languages. You should
pay attention to the lenght of your controls (captions, Titles
etc) because Dutch and French are by average +/- 40 % longer then English.
This can be problematic if you did not developped with that in mind.

An other issue is paperformat. In europe mainland we tend to use A4 instead
of lettre or legal.
If your reports are based on lettre, you should not have a problem because
it is shorter then A4, you could have complaints of the "green"
guys telling you thats a waste of paper.
Legal is longer than A4 and you could run into problems.

For what concerns showing data  based on a field, that is a tough one.
You gonna need to have multiple extra fields in product desciptions etc etc
for each language you use. This wil result in some major reprogramming.

I don't know what kind of app you have, but there is in Belgium also some
legal issues conernign use of languages on official documents like an
invoice. For instance it is forbidden if you are a Flemisch (Dutch) Company
to send a French Invoice to a French customer that lives in the French part
of Belgium. If you do that this document is illegal and has no juridic value
for a court. But thats the theory...

If any other questions go ahead an shoot.




-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of
paul.hartland at fsmail.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 12:25 PM
To: accessd; dba-vb
Subject: [AccessD] Developing European Applications
Importance: High

To all,

We have a visual basic 6.0 FE, connecting to a SQL Server 2000 database
which all works perfectly well.  However we are moving towards putting our
Belgium & Netherlands offices onto the system.  What I need to know is how
to make my labels/controls/reports etc appear in the local languages, I
would assume this is no easy task but if someone could point me in the right
direction I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Paul Hartland
paul.hartland at fsmail.net
07730 523179
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