[AccessD] passing info to a subform sourceobject change

Bruce Bruen bbruen at unwired.com.au
Wed Mar 14 05:46:05 CDT 2007

What i've got is a form F with a subform S that changes freqently.  I mean, 
that, depending on the current row of F  (which defines it's specific type) 
then the form that is used for S changes, i.e. I swap its SourceObject.

So if the current row in F is an "apple", then the subform S shows 
the "subApple" form.  However, if the current F row is a "socket wrench" then 
S shows the "subSWrench" form. ------> This all currently works great.

But now I find that I want to send some important information to some of the 
subforms when I set them.  For example, I may want to send the S.variety 
value to the subApple form or conversely the s.Size value to the subSWrench 

So, having found that changing  F.genericSubForm.SourceObject actually fires 
the new subform's OnOpen event I am trying to work out how to use it's 
OpenArgs() to pass the data.

Is this possible?  Am I barking mad?  Has anyone got any ideas?

or should I grab my Terry Jacks' albums and just move to suvern kelifornya?



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