[AccessD] 3gERP: Next generation ERP

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Mar 19 07:04:12 CDT 2007

Hi all

I know some of you are working with ERP and accounting systems.
If so, a major project has been initiated between some Danish research institutes and Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen (which you may know is responsible for the development of all MS current and future ERP systems, Microsoft Dynamics):


The academic results will be published especially in the form of international journal publications and conference papers. The planned scientific minimum output would be 10 * 15 international journal publications, more than twice as many conference papers, one book and last but not least seven PhD theses.

On the business side, there are two sets of objectives. Firstly, it is expected that the 3gERP project will contribute to developing a very advanced global ERP-system, which can achieve a significant market share in the market place and in that way contribute to maintaining and further increase the employment in MBS in Denmark. Secondly, it is expected that the research insights will be used in industries in Denmark enhancing their possibilities of competing in the global market place. ..


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