adtp at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 16 04:25:29 CDT 2007
Ervin, Sample function named Fn_GetColSumAllSheets(), as given below, will get you the total sum of given column on all sheets combined, in specified excel workbook. Column number & full path of excel file are passed as arguments to this function. The function is to be placed in a suitable module in access db. Reference to MS Excel Object Library (appropriate version) is required. Sum of target column in individual worksheets is also reflected in the immediate window, via Debug.Print statements. Typical statement for getting the overall sum in column E for all worksheets combined, into a variable named TotSum would be: TotSum = Fn_GetColSumAllSheets(5, ExcelFilePath) Best wishes, A.D.Tejpal --------------- ================================== Function Fn_GetColSumAllSheets( _ ByVal ColNum As Long, _ ByVal ExcelFilePath As _ String) As Double ' Gets overall sum of column ColNum ' in all sheets combined in workbook ' having ExcelFilePath as its full path Dim exp As Excel.Application Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet Dim rg As Excel.Range Dim LastFilledRow As Long Dim SheetSum As Double Dim TotSum As Double Set exp = New Excel.Application exp.Workbooks.Open ExcelFilePath TotSum = 0 For Each ws In exp.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets LastFilledRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, _ ColNum).End(xlUp).Row Set rg = exp.Range(ws.Cells(1, ColNum), _ ws.Cells(LastFilledRow, ColNum)) SheetSum = exp.WorksheetFunction.Sum(rg) TotSum = TotSum + SheetSum Debug.Print "Column " & ColNum & _ " - Sum For Sheet " & ws.Name & _ " = " & SheetSum Next Fn_GetColSumAllSheets = TotSum Debug.Print "Column " & ColNum & _ " - Sum For All Sheets " & _ " = " & TotSum Set rg = Nothing Set ws = Nothing exp.Quit Set exp = Nothing End Function ================================== ----- Original Message ----- From: Ervin Brindza To: AccessD at databaseadvisors.com Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 13:51 Subject: [AccessD] Sum a column in Excel files in a specific folder Hi, I have a couple of xls files in some folder and need to sum exactly the column E in every of them. The number of rows isn't the same in these files. Can somebody help me? TIA, Ervin