[AccessD] Walk bitwise through a string

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Mar 21 12:59:56 CDT 2007

Hi Arthur

Don't know what forest you now wish to explore, but this could get you started:

Public Function DecToBin(ByVal lngNumber As Long, Optional bytLength As Byte) As String

' Returns string that represents the binary expression for lngNumber.
' If bytLength is specified, returned string will be filled with
' leading zeroes up to this length.

  Dim strBin As String
  While lngNumber > 0
    strBin = (lngNumber Mod 2) & strBin
    lngNumber = lngNumber \ 2
  If bytLength > 0 Then
    strBin = Right(String(bytLength, "0") & strBin, bytLength)
  End If
  DecToBin = strBin

End Function

 - and the counterpart:

Public Function BinToDec(ByVal strBinary As String) As Long

' Returns decimal value of binary value expressed by strBinary.
' Returns -1 if strBinary expresses a value larger than a Long.
' Ignores characters in strBinary other than 0 and 1 to
' allow for input strings like "1001 0011 1000".

  ' Maximum power of two for a Long.
  Const cintPowerMax As Integer = 31
  Dim intPos As Integer
  Dim intTwo As Integer
  Dim lngNum As Long
  Dim strChr As String * 1
  Dim bytChr As Byte
  For intPos = Len(strBinary) To 1 Step -1
    ' Read strBinary backwards.
    strChr = Mid(strBinary, intPos - 0, 1)
    If InStr("01", strChr) = 0 Then
      ' Character at position intPos is neither 0 nor 1.
      ' Ignore character.
      ' Convert character to numeric value.
      bytChr = Val(strChr)
      If bytChr = 0 Then
        ' Don't add a value of zero.
        If intTwo >= cintPowerMax Then
          ' Overrun. Maximum value of a Long has been reached.
          intPos = 0
          lngNum = -1
          ' Add binary value of character at position intPos.
          lngNum = lngNum + (bytChr * 2 ^ intTwo)
        End If
      End If
      ' Raise power for next possible addition by one.
      intTwo = intTwo + 1
    End If
  Next intPos
  BinToDec = lngNum
End Function


>>> artful at rogers.com 21-03-2007 18:28 >>>
How do I walk through the bits comprising any given byte of interest? Suppose an input string such as "B". I want to walk through the bits comprising this byte and ideally create an array of those values. I am not sure even how to begin.

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