[AccessD] OnNoData error

Elam, Debbie DElam at jenkens.com
Wed May 23 11:35:38 CDT 2007

I am running a series of reports off of one command button.  Some of these
may not have data, so I have used the OnNoData event to cancel that
particular report and send a message box to the user that there was no data
in that one.

The problem I am encountering is the standard 2501 error will simply not be
suppressed.  I have used 

If err.number = 2501 then 
	resume next
	msgbox err.desctiption
	resume ExitTheSub
End if

In the on error of the button that runs the reports.  Heck I have even set
all errors to resume next, but I still get the error and no resume next.

I could even live with a harmless error message, but once this happens, all
subsequent reports do not run.  That is the real problem.


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