[AccessD] Access KeyCodes

Max Wanadoo max.wanadoo at gmail.com
Sat May 5 01:22:10 CDT 2007

Dear All,
Many thanks for your suggestions.  Andrew Curtis' suggestion worked a
dream.  After turning the forms ONPREVIEW on, I was then able to capture the
KEYCODE and eliminate 240 lines of unnecessary code.  Thanks Andrew.

On 5/4/07, Curtis, Andrew (WAPL) <Andrew.Curtis at wapl.com.au> wrote:
> How about using the form's keydown event, write the keycode to a hidden
> control on the form (hdenKeyCode) when a key is pressed anywhere on the
> form, then use the onUpdate of the hdenKeyCode control to trigger your
> pfKeyPress(Keycode) function using pfKeyPress(forms!myform!hdenKeyCode)?
> I know its Friday here, give me a break :)
> --andrew
> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Max Wanadoo
> Sent: Friday, 4 May 2007 3:25 PM
> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
> Subject: [AccessD] Access KeyCodes
> Dear All,
> In the ONKEYDOWN Event of a control on my form when using Event
> Procedures I get the following code created:-
> Private Sub R1C1_KeyDown(Keycode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
>   Call pfKeyPress(Keycode) ' I then add in my function to call to handle
> the key pressed by user End Sub
> However, I have 81 such controls in a 9x9 grid and the above code is
> repeated 81 times and I would like to remove all this
> and replace them all with a direct call to a function, for example if I
> wanted to call my own procedure to handle form events I
> normally use the following format in the ONEVENT that I was interested
> in, eg ONENTER:-
> =pfSetStartPoint(Form) 'in here would be my code to handle the control
> that had, in this example, been entered.
> Access understands and  passes the value of (Form) which is the name of
> the current form.  This means there is no code on
> the form event and all code can sit in a public procedure which can be
> used by any form that calls it.
> My problem is that if I use the format =pfKeyCode(KeyCode) to replace
> the ONKEYDOWN Event it complains that it does not
> contain the automation value of KeyCode.  It DOES understand (Form) but
> not (KeyCode).
> Does anyone know how to get the value of KeyCode?
> Thanks
> Max
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