[AccessD] Pre-Access 2007 runtimes

Doug Murphy dw-murphy at cox.net
Wed May 9 16:56:48 CDT 2007


I know some of you distribute Access applications as runtimes, and quite a
few use Sagekey scripts to build the installers.  Today I received an email
from Sagekey which included the following:

"In January 2007 Microsoft released Vista and Access 2007. Both products are
significantly different from Microsoft's previously released versions and
this is going to affect how successful your current Access Runtime
installations are with these products. 

How much Vista will affect your Access Runtime installation will depend upon
the complexity of your application. Access 2007 on the other hand won't
co-exist well with previous runtimes, triggering an MSI repair that can take
up to 5 minutes to complete, followed by a forced reboot."

Some follow up from Sagekey indicates that runtimes installed from their
older scripts may have some problems on Vista machines with multiple user
accounts, and/or machines with Access 2007 on them.  Sagekey has developed
new scripts to counter these problems, but you must pay an upgrade price.
Before I purchase the updated scripts I'd like a little more info.

Has anyone on this list experienced problems with runtimes in these


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