Susan Harkins
ssharkins at
Wed May 9 17:27:35 CDT 2007
Found my error... Set doc = appWord.Documents("CustomerSlip.doc") Set doc = appWord.Documents.Open("C:\WordForms\CustomerSlip.doc", , True) I thought it was an either/or, but apparently it isn't -- you have to set the document name AND include the document's name in the Open method. Susan H. Susan, Sample subroutine as given below, on being tested at my end, is found to work smoothly. Best wishes, A.D.Tejpal --------------- Sample subroutine =============================== Sub P_GetWordDoc() On Error GoTo ErrTrap Dim appWord As Word.Application Dim doc As Word.Document Dim DocPath1 As String, DocPath2 As String DocPath1 = "C:\TEMP\Test 01.doc" DocPath2 = "C:\TEMP\Test 02.doc" On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Set appWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set appWord = New Word.Application End If On Error GoTo ErrTrap Set doc = appWord.Documents.Open(DocPath1, , True) On Error Resume Next Kill DocPath2 doc.SaveAs DocPath2 ExitPoint: On Error Resume Next doc.Close appWord.Quit Set doc = Nothing Set appWord = Nothing On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub ErrTrap: MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & _ Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _ "Error Encountered" Resume ExitPoint End Sub