[AccessD] Cross Tab Query Help Requested

Bruce Bruen bbruen at unwired.com.au
Mon May 14 16:50:35 CDT 2007

>From memory,

dim rs as recordset
dim cmd as new command
cmd.type=acStoredProc '?????
cmd.connection = CurrentProject.Connection
set rs=cmd.exec(,param1)


On Monday 14 May 2007 21:10, ewaldt at gdls.com wrote:
> I am running into a problem with a cross tab query.


> Here's the code portion that Access highlights:
> rst.Open _
>     Source:="qfrmWeeklyData", _
>     ActiveConnection:=CurrentProject.Connection, _
>     Options:=adCmdTable
> I'd greatly appreciate any help with this.
> Thomas F. Ewald
> Stryker Mass Properties
> General Dynamics Land Systems
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