jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu May 17 10:38:36 CDT 2007
'************ 'The following is clsOpenArgs (parent to clsOpenArg) '************ Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' BEHAVIORS: ' ' 'When a form opens, it can accept open args, a text string argument. 'The framework will check for openargs, and if they exist will check 'inside the Openagrs for arguments named the same thing as form properties. 'If such arguments are found, the framework will set the form's property 'equal to the argument value. ' 'I use this specifically to set up normal forms to be DataEntry forms '(only allow new records to be added, not existing records edited) ' 'I decided to encapsulate this functionality in a class to make the OpenArgs 'processing cleanly defined. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Private mfrm As Form 'A form reference passed in Private mstrOpenArgs As String Private mcolOpenArg As Collection '.------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'THESE FUNCTIONS / SUBS ARE USED INTERNALLY TO THE CLASS '*+ Private Init/Terminate Interface Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set mcolOpenArg = New Collection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set mcolOpenArg = Nothing End Sub 'INITIALIZE THE CLASS Public Sub mInit(lfrm As Form, _ Optional blnApplyProperties As Boolean = False) Set mfrm = lfrm 'The openargs string might be null On Error Resume Next mstrOpenArgs = mfrm.OpenArgs ParseOpenArgs ' 'The default is false, do not try and apply OpenArgs as form properties 'If the deveopler wants to ' If blnApplyProperties Then ApplyFrmProperties End If End Sub Public Property Get colOpenArgs() As Collection Set colOpenArgs = mcolOpenArg End Property '*+PRIVATE Class function / sub declaration Private Function cOpenArg(strOpenArg As String) As clsOpenArg On Error GoTo Err_cOpenArg Dim intPosEqual As Integer Dim strArgName As String Dim varArgVal As Variant Dim lclsOpenarg As clsOpenArg intPosEqual = InStr(strOpenArg, "=") If intPosEqual > 0 Then strArgName = Left$(strOpenArg, intPosEqual - 1) varArgVal = Right$(strOpenArg, Len(strOpenArg) - intPosEqual) Set lclsOpenarg = New clsOpenArg lclsOpenarg.mInit strArgName, varArgVal Set cOpenArg = lclsOpenarg End If Exit_cOpenArg: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Err_cOpenArg: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsOpenArgs.cOpenArg" Resume Exit_cOpenArg Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function Private Sub ParseOpenArgs() On Error GoTo Err_ParseOpenArgs Dim lstrOpenArgs As String Dim strOpenArg As String Dim intPos As Integer Dim lclsOpenarg As clsOpenArg lstrOpenArgs = mstrOpenArgs intPos = InStr(lstrOpenArgs, ";") While intPos > 0 strOpenArg = Left$(lstrOpenArgs, intPos - 1) Set lclsOpenarg = cOpenArg(strOpenArg) mcolOpenArg.Add lclsOpenarg, lclsOpenarg.pName lstrOpenArgs = Right$(lstrOpenArgs, Len(lstrOpenArgs) - intPos) intPos = InStr(lstrOpenArgs, ";") Wend Exit_ParseOpenArgs: On Error Resume Next Exit Sub Err_ParseOpenArgs: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Sub clsOpenArgs.ParseOpenArgs" Resume Exit_ParseOpenArgs Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Sub ' 'This function cycles through all the openargs applying them to form properties 'if an argument is named the same as a form property, and the property is writeable '(doesn't require being in design view to set it) then the application of the value 'to the property will be performed and Err will not be set. For these OpenArgs we 'set the IsPrp to true ' 'All of this provides a way for the developer to ppass in openargs to an opening form 'which are then used to set form properties. It is up to the developer to ensure that 'the property is settable, that the value they pass in is valid (correct data type, 'correct value range etc.) ' 'In the end, the only way to know whether a passed in OpenArg is a property is to try 'it and see. If there is no error then the name is a property name, it is settable in 'form view mode, and the value is acceptable. ' Public Sub ApplyFrmProperties() On Error GoTo Err_ApplyFrmProperties Dim lclsOpenarg As clsOpenArg On Error Resume Next For Each lclsOpenarg In mcolOpenArg mfrm.Properties(lclsOpenarg.pName) = lclsOpenarg.pVal lclsOpenarg.pIsPrp = (Err.Number = 0) Err.Clear Next lclsOpenarg Exit_ApplyFrmProperties: Exit Sub Err_ApplyFrmProperties: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Sub clsOpenArgs.ApplyFrmProperties" Resume Exit_ApplyFrmProperties Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Sub '*-PRIVATE Class function / sub declaration '*+PUBLIC Class function / sub declaration Public Function mOpenArg(strArgName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Err_mOpenArg mOpenArg = mcolOpenArg(strArgName).pVal Exit_mOpenArg: Exit Function Err_mOpenArg: Select Case Err Case 91 MsgBox "mOpenArg " & strArgName & " does not exist" Resume Exit_mOpenArg Case Else MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsOpenArgs.mOpenArg" Resume Exit_mOpenArg End Select Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function '*-PUBLIC Class function / sub declaration The following is the code to use clsOpenArgs in a form: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim fclsOpenArgsSimple As clsOpenArgsSimple Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Set fclsOpenArgsSimple = New clsOpenArgsSimple fclsOpenArgsSimple.mInit Me, True Me!txtSomeMessage.Value = fclsOpenArgsSimple.mOpenArg("MsgVal") End Sub NOTICE that I feed in a reference to Me which is the form itself. Thus clsOpenArgs has a pointer to the form and can: 1) Get the openargs directly from the form. 2) Set form properties if it discovers that Openargs are supposed to be used to set form properties. Notice also that I set txtSomeMessage (a control on the form) with a value passed in to the form in a OpenArg named MsgVal. That is how you would use the class for retrieving OpenArg values passed in. The clsOpenArgs gets the OpenArgs string, parses it, gets it ready to use, any you just ask for values from the class: fclsOpenArgsSimple.mOpenArg("SomeVarName") That is all there is to it. Now you too can have an openarg class to automatically process openargs however you might need. BTW, I pulled the code for this from my framework and stripped out the framework specific code from the clsOpenArgs, calling the result clsOpenArgsSimple. Enjoy. John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com