[AccessD] Word documents and MS Access

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun May 20 16:56:12 CDT 2007

On 20 May 2007 at 13:20, Jim Lawrence wrote:

> Hi All:
> I have two questions. They are both related. A client has approached me with
> a particular project and I am wondering if anyone has experience with the
> following:
> 1. Double-byte Character Sets; using them with Word documents and Access
> databases.

A real PITA. 

>From http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776454.aspx

"Note: New Windows applications should use Unicode to avoid the 
inconsistencies of varied code pages and for ease of localization. However, 
some legacy protocols might require the use of DBCS code pages. Each DBCS 
code page supports different characters, but no page supportsthe full 
breadth of characters provided by Unicode. Each DBCS code page supports a 
different subset, differently encoded. Data converted from one DBCS code 
page to another is subject to corruption because the same data value on 
different code pages can encode a different character. Data converted from 
Unicode to DBCS is subject to data loss, because a given code page might 
not be able to represent every character used in that particular Unicode 

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