[AccessD] Word documents and MS Access

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Mon May 21 13:43:28 CDT 2007

You can convert text or XML files encoded  like ISO-8859-1 etc through 11
 to UTF-8 or UTF-16.

You can also specify window code pages  like Chinese Big-5
See Charset in the registry

This can be done via ADO streams and CharSets

Sub ReadAnsiSaveFileInUTF8()
' ReadToFile / SaveToFile snippet
' Used ADO 2.7
Dim stm As ADODB.Stream
Dim strPath As String
Dim strData As String

  'strPath = GetPath(CurrentDb.Name) ' or whatever your path is
  strPath = "C:\Access files\ADO\"
  Set stm = New ADODB.Stream
   'the character set names for the machine are in the registry
'For a list of the character set strings that is known by a system, see
'the subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset
'in the Windows Registry.

  stm.Charset = "ascii" 'case specific name depending on code page may 
have to use iso-8859-1
  stm.Position = 0
  stm.Type = adTypeText
  stm.LoadFromFile strPath & "Readme.txt"
   ' if you just try and dump out stream with Save
   ' without reading and writing you get double BOM and clobbered file.
   stm.Position = 0

   strData = stm.ReadText()
   Debug.Print strData
   stm.Position = 0 'reset to beginning
   stm.Charset = "UTF-8"
   stm.WriteText (strData)
 stm.SaveToFile strPath & "ReadmeUTF8.txt", adSaveCreateOverWrite
 Set stm = Nothing
End Sub

Arthur Fuller wrote:

>100% correct, Stuart. I recently published an article about exactly this at
>TechRepulic.comm. It doesn't apply specifically to Access; it was written
>for the SQL Server crowd; but it may be convertible. No promises. I dealt
>solely with the SQL 2000/2005 cases. In theory, the logic ought to work, but
>I haven't tested it there.
>Visit www.techrepublic.com and search for stuff by me; it ought to be the
>first or second or third reference.
>On 5/20/07, Stuart McLachlan <stuart at lexacorp.com.pg> wrote:
>>On 20 May 2007 at 13:20, Jim Lawrence wrote:
>>>Hi All:
>>>I have two questions. They are both related. A client has approached me
>>>a particular project and I am wondering if anyone has experience with
>>>1. Double-byte Character Sets; using them with Word documents and Access
>>A real PITA.
>>>From http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776454.aspx
>>"Note: New Windows applications should use Unicode to avoid the
>>inconsistencies of varied code pages and for ease of localization.
>>some legacy protocols might require the use of DBCS code pages. Each DBCS
>>code page supports different characters, but no page supportsthe full
>>breadth of characters provided by Unicode. Each DBCS code page supports a
>>different subset, differently encoded. Data converted from one DBCS code
>>page to another is subject to corruption because the same data value on
>>different code pages can encode a different character. Data converted from
>>Unicode to DBCS is subject to data loss, because a given code page might
>>not be able to represent every character used in that particular Unicode
Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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