Rocky Smolin at Beach Access Software
rockysmolin at
Thu Nov 8 16:32:14 CST 2007
JC: I have a form with about 16 tabs, a bunch of combo boxes, and a bunch of sub-forms. It will not surprise you to learn that it is taking an unacceptably long time to open - 60 seconds on a smallish database over a wireless connection to my laptop (trying to simulate a slow server). I remember something about a form like this that you had and, I believe, loading the combo boxes and sub forms only when a tab got the focus? The combo boxes are bound so I can't wait to put in the row source until they're clicked. But I could load the row source when the tab was activated - store the row source in the tag and load it if it's not there. But there's no activate or got focus event for a tab. There is a mouse move event but I'm not sure that will do to trigger loading of the Row Source and the sub-forms. How did you solve the problem? Regards, Rocky