Darren D
darren at activebilling.com.au
Wed Nov 14 18:29:42 CST 2007
Hi All When I use DAO Recordsets I can simply do a rs.movelast and rs.MoveFirst to populate the rs and then can do an accurate rs.recordCount - Simple When using ADO - IF I use the line rs.movelast - I get a strange error about backward fetching "Run Time Error -2147217884(80040e24) Rowset does not support fetching backward If I rem the line rs.MoveLast - the code works Code Snip Below (The real code does some updates etc on a second recordset - snip not included for that) Anyone know about this - Is there a work around - I just want to compare one rs.recordCount with another rs2.RecordCount and if they differ then do something - else forget about it Make sense? Many thanks in advance DD '#############This is connecting a an SQL Server dB Dim conn1 As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim selSQL1 As String Dim intRecordCount As Integer Dim i As Integer selSQL1 = "SELECT * from BillRun" conn1 = f_SetSQLSVRConnection '<--SQL Server connections set up and passed from a function here conn1.Open rs1.Open selSQL1, conn1 intRecordCount = 0 With rs1 If Not rs1.BOF And Not rs1.EOF Then 'rs1.MoveLast <---- If I leave this line in - I get the error rs1.MoveFirst Do Until rs1.EOF End If End With rs1.MoveNext intRecordCount = intRecordCount + 1 Loop Else End If End With