jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Nov 19 09:56:11 CST 2007
I have a Windows 2003 server with an dedicated Areca raid controller. The system disk C: is on the raid controller, however another pair of disks are somehow involved in the boot process. These two disks are talking (SATA) directly to the motherboard SATA ports (using Raid1 via the motherboard raid controller), and to look at them there is nothing on them. However if I disconnect these disks then the system gives the old "boot disk not found" when the computer is reset. That implies that this pair of disks (a single Raid1 volume) contains boot files required to actually boot the computer even though the C: drive itself is on the Areca controller. How do I set the C: drive to be the boot drive and contain whatever these files are that are currently housed on this extra pair of disks? John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com