Rocky Smolin at Beach Access Software
rockysmolin at
Thu Nov 8 19:19:00 CST 2007
Aha. That's what I was looking for. Change event. Too bad there isn't a GotFocus or Activate event for each page. But this will work. I can do a Select Case on the page and load the controls for that page in the case for each tab. That will work! Thanks Rocky -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Darren D Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 3:37 PM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: Re: [AccessD] JIT Forms Hi Rocky Not so sure about JC's cool JIT logic But there is an OnChange event for Tabs - Way cool very powerful and easy to manipulate See below for some Code snips below I am using for a 10 Tab Form Now it is a snip so some of it may not work correctly etc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub tabMain_Change() On Err GoTo Err_tabMain_Change Dim intClientID As Integer intClientID = Me.tabMain Dim tbc As Control Dim pg As Page Dim ctl As Control Dim db As DAO.Database Dim selSQL As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set tbc = Me!tabMain Set pg = tbc.Pages(tbc.Value) 'Current page Set db = CurrentDb selSQL = "SELECT tblClients.ClientID, tblClients.ClientName, tblClients.DatabaseName, tblClients.ClientAbbrev, tblClients.IsCurrent, tblClients.IsNowDeleted FROM tblClients WHERE (((tblClients.IsCurrent)=-1) AND ((tblClients.IsNowDeleted) Is Null Or (tblClients.IsNowDeleted)=0));" Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(selSQL) 'reset things to true or false if true may exist for more thant 1 tab If pg.Name = "pgOptions" Then ' Option Page - Don't show everything for the clients - Show the setup options only Forms!xfrmBeast!subfrmOptions.SourceObject = "sub_frmBeastOptions" Forms!xfrmBeast!subfrmLocalOptions.SourceObject = "sub_frmLocalOptions" Me.subfrmMain.Visible = False Me.tabOptions.Visible = True Me.subfrmNotes.Visible = False Me.subfrmContacts.Visible = False Me.tabSupport.Visible = False 'Determine what controls get seen or used For Each ctl In Me.Controls If ctl.Tag <> "" Then ctl.Enabled = False End If Next ElseIf Me("pg" & Me.tabMain).Caption = "Active" Then ElseIf Me("pg" & Me.tabMain).Caption = "SomeText" Then Me.cmdBFM.Enabled = False Else For Each ctl In Me.Controls If ctl.Tag <> "" Then ctl.Enabled = True End If Next Me.tabOptions.Visible = False End If Me.subfrmMain.Requery Me.subfrmNotes.Requery Me.subfrmContacts.Requery Me.txtClientID = Forms!xfrmBeast.tabMain txtInvoiceSearch = "" txtAccountNo = "" If intClientID = 0 Then Me.subfrmContacts.Form.lblAdviceContacts.Caption = "General Contacts" Me.subfrmNotes.Form.lblAdviceNotes.Caption = "General Notes" Me.lblMain.Caption = "Options and Settings" txtInvoiceSearch.Enabled = False txtAccountNo.Enabled = False ElseIf intClientID = 1 Then Me.subfrmContacts.Form.lblAdviceContacts.Caption = "Active Contacts" Me.subfrmNotes.Form.lblAdviceNotes.Caption = "Active Info" Me.lblMain.Caption = "Details" txtInvoiceSearch.Enabled = False txtAccountNo.Enabled = False ElseIf intClientID = 2 Then Me.subfrmContacts.Form.lblAdviceContacts.Caption = "Contacts for Client: " & Me("pg" & intClientID).Caption Me.subfrmNotes.Form.lblAdviceNotes.Caption = "Notes For Client: " & Me("pg" & intClientID).Caption Me.lblMain.Caption = "Bureau Details for: " & Me("pg" & intClientID).Caption txtInvoiceSearch.Enabled = True txtAccountNo.Enabled = True ElseIf intClientID > 1 Then Me.subfrmContacts.Form.lblAdviceContacts.Caption = "Contacts for Client: " & Me("pg" & intClientID).Caption Me.subfrmNotes.Form.lblAdviceNotes.Caption = "Notes For Client: " & Me("pg" & intClientID).Caption Me.lblMain.Caption = "Bureau Details for: " & Me("pg" & intClientID).Caption txtInvoiceSearch.Enabled = True txtAccountNo.Enabled = True End If rs.Close db.Close Set rs = Nothing Set db = Nothing Exit_tabMain_Change: Exit Sub Err_tabMain_Change: MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error in tbMain Change" Resume Exit_tabMain_Change End Sub Many thanks Have a great day Darren ----------------- T: 1300 301 731 -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rocky Smolin at Beach Access Software Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 9:32 AM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: [AccessD] JIT Forms JC: I have a form with about 16 tabs, a bunch of combo boxes, and a bunch of sub-forms. It will not surprise you to learn that it is taking an unacceptably long time to open - 60 seconds on a smallish database over a wireless connection to my laptop (trying to simulate a slow server). I remember something about a form like this that you had and, I believe, loading the combo boxes and sub forms only when a tab got the focus? The combo boxes are bound so I can't wait to put in the row source until they're clicked. But I could load the row source when the tab was activated - store the row source in the tag and load it if it's not there. But there's no activate or got focus event for a tab. There is a mouse move event but I'm not sure that will do to trigger loading of the Row Source and the sub-forms. How did you solve the problem? Regards, Rocky -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. 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