Susan Harkins
ssharkins at
Sat Nov 10 08:33:49 CST 2007
> In your code, second statement in page footer's format event is also > redundant. The real assignment for txtHeaderLast is taking place in page > header's print event. First two lines of existing code block can be > removed. The only portion required in page footer's format event is the > block of three lines meant to build up the collection. ======Oh, you're right. I think that's just a residual from my original attempt and I did a bad job of cleaning up. Thanks for pointing that out. > > In page header's print event, while retrieving information from > collection object, you have used number argument, which returns values as > per index position in collection. This method does not take advantage of > key strings that you have embedded (via CStr(Me.Page) as the second > argument) while adding to the collection. Though in the present case, your > results are not affected (being a simple situation), it is considered > preferable in the interest of greater reliability to retrieve values using > key (where available) instead of number index (specially if the collection > is likely to get disturbed for some reason). Second statement in page > header's print event would then become: > > Me.txtHeaderLast = col(CStr(Me.Page)) > > On the other hand, if you wish to continue using number index, it is > not necessary to provide the second argument (for key string) in > collection's Add method. The existing statement in page footer's format > event would then become: > > col.Add Me.txtFooterLast.Value =======I don't understand what you're saying. I'm really sorry -- let me ask a few questions, so you don't have to repeat yourself. I do see the inconsistency now that you point it out -- I use CStr(Me.Page) to store that value as a string, as required by the Collection object, but then I used Me.Page to retrieve members -- so I think what you're saying is that the code isn't even using the Me.Page value to retrieve values? That's where I get lost. If not the Me.Page value, then what? Thanks for your help. Susan H.