adtp at airtelbroadband.in
Wed Nov 21 06:46:17 CST 2007
Rocky, It works equally well in A2K & A2K3, where it acts upon the database window (Hide or Show as required). In fact the process becomes much simpler as unlike A2K7, it is no longer necessary to temporarily hide the forms / reports. Sample code for hiding / showing db window in A2K / A2K3 is given below. Best wishes, A.D.Tejpal ------------ Code in form's module - A2K & A2K3 (For Hiding and displaying database window) ======================================== Private Sub CmdHide_Click() ' Make db window the active window and hide it DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, , True DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide End Sub '------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub CmdShow_Click() ' Show db window DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, , True End Sub ======================================== ----- Original Message ----- From: Rocky Smolin at Beach Access Software To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 12:27 Subject: Re: [AccessD] A2K7 Navigation Pane A.D.: Thank you as usual for this solution. I have to get A2007 I think to see for myself what you are referring to by the collapsed state. What would the effect of the code be in A2003, though since there is no navigation pane? Regards, Rocky