max.wanadoo at
max.wanadoo at
Mon Nov 26 03:15:03 CST 2007
Function xProp() 'SetFieldDescription = fld.Properties("Description") On Error GoTo errhandler ' property 'DESCRIPTION' for a FIELD does not exist unless user creates it and it is creatable! Dim dbs As DAO.Database, tbldef As DAO.TableDef, fld As Field, prp As Property Dim strDescription As String Set dbs = CurrentDb Set tbldef = dbs.TableDefs("Explains") For Each fld In tbldef.Fields For Each prp In fld.Properties If prp.Name = "Description" Then strDescription = prp.Value End If Next prp Next fld exithere: Set dbs = Nothing: Set tbldef = Nothing: Set fld = Nothing: Set prp = Nothing Exit Function errhandler: Select Case Err.Number Case 3219, 3267, 3251 ' invalid operation type errors If prp.Name = "Description" Then ' You should never arrive here because the of 'Description' does not exist if it not creatable. strDescription = fld.Name & " " & prp.Name & " No Description Held" MsgBox strDescription End If Resume Next Case Else MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description End Select Resume exithere End Function -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Susan Harkins Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 1:29 AM To: AccessD at Subject: [AccessD] Odd property error I'm using the following statement to retrieve the description properties for query fields: SetFieldDescription = fld.Properties("Description") As long as there's a description, it works fine. An empty property returns the error "property not found" I've tried a Resume Next error statement, but VBA acts like it isn't even there and still returns the error. I've tried numerous ways to avoid or capture it, and nothing's worked. As far as I know, Description isn't user-defined and I think VBA's just returning one of its many, famous erroneous error messages that aren't so terribly helpful. However, you'd think Resume Next would ignore it, but it doesn't seem to. Anyone seen anything like this before? I haven't tried a real error handling routine because I'd hoped to avoid doing so if there was an easier solution. Susan H. -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: