[AccessD] HTML code stripper

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Nov 29 05:38:23 CST 2007

Hi Erwin

Just curious, why wouldn't this control fit your purpose?
To me it seems exactly what you are looking for but I may be missing something.

The Chilkat ASP String Component is freeware and may be used in any ASP application. To install, download and unzip the ASP String Component. Then copy the CkString.dll to a directory on your ASP Web Server and register it with regsvr32.exe.
The CkString.dll is a standard ActiveX component. It may also be used in Visual Basic 6.0, Delphi, Cold Fusion, Visual FoxPro, PowerBuilder, MFC, or any other programming language that supports ActiveX components.


Example code here:

set cks = Server.CreateObject("CkString.CkString")

' Strip HTML from a string.
cks.Str = "<html><body><p>This is a test<br>Here is a <a href=""http://www.chilkatsoft.com"">test link</a></p></body></html>"
' Prints "This is a testHere is a test link"
Response.Write cks.Str + "<br>"

' Perhaps it's better to replace <br> tags with SPACE chars first...
cks.Str = "<html><body><p>This is a test<br>Here is a <a href=""http://www.chilkatsoft.com"">test link</a></p></body></html>"
cks.ReplaceAll "<br>"," "
cks.ReplaceAll "<BR>"," "
' Prints "This is a test Here is a test link"
Response.Write cks.Str


>>> Erwin.Craps at ithelps.eu 28-11-2007 20:40 >>>
I already have the process automated, but I see that HTML code get's
into my database.

Things like <DIV> <b> color etc.
Some stuff I already replace/remove like <br> 

I just want plain simple text in this case.

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