[AccessD] Use Regex - Create Camel Case

max.wanadoo at gmail.com max.wanadoo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 07:47:01 CDT 2007

Thanks Gustav,missed those bits.
Poking now completes in 3 min 26 sec
Concatenating now completes in 3 mins 41 seconds 
A diff of 14 secs over 1 million iterations.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 1:11 PM
To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Use Regex - Create Camel Case

Hi Max

No, they are not identical. Here is the corrected version which now runs
slightly faster:

Function CamelCaseBestSoFar4VBAPoking()
'  ' This times at 4 mins 16 seconds
  ' This times at 3 mins 40 seconds
  Dim tStartTime As Date, tEndTime As Date, tLapsedTime As Date, iLoop As
Long, iVarLoop As Integer
  Dim iLenLoop As Integer, iVars As Integer
  Dim bFlipCase As Boolean, str2Parse As String, strResult As String, strBit
As String
  Dim varStr(5), lngPos As Long
  varStr(1) = "John colby  " ' Result wanted: "JohnColby"
  varStr(2) = "%idiotic_Field*name&!@" ' Result wanted: "IdioticFieldName"
  varStr(3) = " # hey#hey#Hey,hello_world$%#" ' Result wanted:
  varStr(4) = "@#$this#is_a_test_of_the-emerGency-broadcast-system" ' Result
wanted: "ThisIsATestOftheEmergencyBroadcastSystem"
  varStr(5) = "thisisastringwithnobadchars" ' Result wanted:
  iVars = 5
  tStartTime = Now
  For iLoop = 1 To conIterations
    For iVarLoop = 1 To iVars
'     str2Parse = varStr(iVarLoop): bFlipCase = True: strResult =
Left(Space(255), Len(str2Parse)): lngPos = 0
      str2Parse = LCase(varStr(iVarLoop)): bFlipCase = True: strResult =
Space(Len(str2Parse)): lngPos = 0
      For iLenLoop = 1 To Len(str2Parse)
'        strBit = LCase(Mid(str2Parse, iLenLoop, 1))
        strBit = Mid(str2Parse, iLenLoop, 1)
        If InStr(conBadChars, strBit) = 0 Then
          lngPos = lngPos + 1
          If bFlipCase = True Then strBit = UCase(strBit): bFlipCase = False
          Mid(strResult, lngPos, 1) = strBit
          bFlipCase = True
        End If
      Next iLenLoop
      strResult = Trim(strResult) ' drop any spaces left in string
      'Debug.Print strResult
    Next iVarLoop
  Next iLoop
  tEndTime = Now
  tLapsedTime = tEndTime - tStartTime
  'MsgBox tLapsedTime:
  Debug.Print tLapsedTime
End Function


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