[AccessD] Combo box default value

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 13:10:59 CDT 2007

The query sorts by most often chosen? That's interesting -- so the most 
often chosen should be the top item in the combo right? If that's the case, 
you simply set the default value to the first item -- there's a simple 
expression for doing so that I can't recall off the top of my head --  
someone's going to know it -- 


or something like that.

Susan H.

> Steve
> The combo box is based on a query that lists departure points for a
> tour bus based on the postcode of the client. It lists the options by
> most popular to least popular. At the moment it starts off with a
> blank text box and I want it to show the most popular as a default.
> The combo works fine as far as listing the options in the right order
> - just leaves it blank until a choice is made.

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