Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Mon Sep 10 15:22:39 CDT 2007
I'll add a tidbit to this thread, which may apply solely to Canadian developers, but anyway: when a freelancer such as myself contracts with a corporation to produce software, unless the contract specifically states that I am comissioned to write software that will be owned by said corporation, the courts deem that the software is the freelancer's. This came up recently, because I just completed an app for stable owners ( i.e. riding lessons etc.). It was by no means a complicated app, but my investigations revealed that there is almost no competition, and the person who hired me already owns the competitive product, and hates it so much that she hired me to replace it. I don't think I can grow wealthy from this one app, but there are quite a few riding stables around, and the fact that I've got a disgruntled user's perspective on the competition, led me to think about the possibilities. So I pointed out to her the existing Canadian law, but I'm not a mean person, so I even volunteered to give her a slice of whatever action ensues. She just said, "Go for it, and give me a free copy of each new version." "Deal," said I. Other than researching the competition, I haven't done anything about scouting new customers. But I do know horses and I worked at a riding stable for eight years when I was a teenager, so I know what is required from the software. To be frank, I don't think the competition did. What they wrote sort of works, but makes many things much more difficult than they ought to be, and reflects no sense of what you would typically do most often. My software does. It's not rocket science, for sure. In fact, it's one of the easiest apps I've ever written. It would be splendidly ironic if it made more money for me than some of the really complex stuff I've written. But at the end of the day, you must remember Fuller's Fifth Law: money never arrives at an inopportune moment. A.