Doug Murphy
dw-murphy at
Tue Sep 11 12:00:28 CDT 2007
Hi Max, Thanks for the thoughts. I should have explained the situation a little better. Did that in my first post. The table is an application table that holds mask settings for diffent country codes which I pre set, so I know it is populated and the recordset returns values. tFM is a user defined type set at the application level that is loaded with the various masks, once we determine the computers country setting, e.g. phone number, date, address etc. The values returned by the country setting api do not contain any punctuation. I have run into this problem before where a user puts a single quote into something a sql statement must use. The application is a runtime which uses a separate install of the Access 2002 runtime and its supporting dlls. The issue I beleive is that for some reason the version of jet that is installed to run on Windows 98 machines interprets my sql string differenetly than that on later operating systems. MS has a jet version for Win 98 machines and one for later versions. They are both jet 4 SP 8. This installation runs correctly on versions of windows later than 98 Second Edition. I try to allow users to run our application on any machine that AccessXP would run on natively. There aren't to many 98 machines left but there are some, especially in other countries. The interesting thing is that other portions of the application that use recordsets work without error. As far as I can tell it is just this one routine. I'll keep researching. Doug -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gmail Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 12:57 AM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: Re: [AccessD] Jet version sql error Try 2 Hi Doug, To me this code does not make sense to me, but I understand that is is not the complete code, so my comments below may be meaningless. 1. Presumably GetUserLocaleInfo is a function that returns a string (and not a null) 2. You haven't tested to see if if sCountrySettings has a value before using it. 3. What does tFM.sCountry mean. If it is a field in a table then it really should use the pling (!). If it is a property setting in a Class then where was the class defined? The "." is really for a property. (I do understand that some people use them for both, but the pling makes it clear what the interpretation is to be. 4. You have told the recordset to move to the first record, but you haven't tested to see if the recordset has any content. If it is empty, then that would generate an error. Ie, use "If not rs.eof then...." 5. Are you sure that the returned value is actually what you type in. If there is an embedded single quote in the returned value then you can get this error. 6. Are your Reference correctly installed and/or have you recently installed an update on your system. Does the function work for other values other than the one you quoted? You could try removing references and then putting them back in again - do any show as "missing". Hope some of this may help. Max -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Doug Murphy Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 5:13 AM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: [AccessD] Jet version sql error Try 2 OK I'll try again with a simpler (?) question. Any one see a reason why the following sql string generates an error when used to open a recordset? "Select * From tblUserFormat Where fldCountry = 'United States';" Generates an error 3075 when run in the following line: "Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset)" The error message that gives the error number 3075 indicates that there is some problem with fldCountry = 'United States' I have modified the code slightly from my first post to use a dynaset type recordset and added the semicolon at the end of the query string. Same error is generated with the updated code. The complete procedure up to this point is as follows. Public Sub GetCountrySettings() Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.Database Dim sSQL As String Dim sCountrySettings As String Dim fld As Field Dim LCID As Long LCID = 0 'GetSystemDefaultLCID() On Error GoTo GetCountrySettings_Error sCountrySettings = GetUserLocaleInfo(LCID, LOCALE_SCOUNTRY) tFM.sCountry = sCountrySettings If Not IsNull(sSQL) Then sSQL = "Select * From tblUserFormat Where fldCountry = '" & sCountrySettings & "';" Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset) rs.MoveFirst -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: