O'Connor, Patricia (OTDA)
Patricia.O'Connor at otda.state.ny.us
Wed Sep 19 16:10:34 CDT 2007
Well I have run the adjustment of a full date several different ways and get the following CREATE_DT tDtBrac tDtFixbrac tDtCdfixBrac tDtCFixdot tDtdtfnc tdtapost 08/27/2001 11:32:38 AM 08/27/2001 11:32:38 AM 37130 08/27/2001 08/27/2001 09/19/2007 08/27/2001 11:32:38 AM 08/27/2001 02:03:53 PM 08/27/2001 02:03:53 PM 37130 08/27/2001 08/27/2001 09/19/2007 08/27/2001 02:03:53 PM 08/29/2001 10:51:42 AM 08/29/2001 10:51:42 AM 37132 08/29/2001 08/29/2001 09/19/2007 08/29/2001 10:51:42 AM 11/20/2001 04:55:00 PM 11/20/2001 04:55:00 PM 37215 11/20/2001 11/20/2001 09/19/2007 11/20/2001 04:55:00 PM 11/20/2001 04:59:56 PM 11/20/2001 04:59:56 PM 37215 11/20/2001 11/20/2001 09/19/2007 11/20/2001 04:59:56 PM 11/27/2001 03:51:16 PM 11/27/2001 03:51:16 PM 37222 11/27/2001 11/27/2001 09/19/2007 11/27/2001 03:51:16 PM 03/15/2002 02:59:11 PM 03/15/2002 02:59:11 PM 37330 03/15/2002 03/15/2002 09/19/2007 03/15/2002 02:59:11 PM 03/18/2002 03:32:46 PM 03/18/2002 03:32:46 PM 37333 03/18/2002 03/18/2002 09/19/2007 03/18/2002 03:32:46 PM 10/17/2002 03:13:46 PM 10/17/2002 03:13:46 PM 37546 10/17/2002 10/17/2002 09/19/2007 10/17/2002 03:13:46 PM 01/12/2004 01:22:06 PM 01/12/2004 01:22:06 PM 37998 01/12/2004 01/12/2004 09/19/2007 01/12/2004 01:22:06 PM 01/12/2004 01:23:37 PM 01/12/2004 01:23:37 PM 37998 01/12/2004 01/12/2004 09/19/2007 01/12/2004 01:23:37 PM 05/19/2004 01:46:16 PM 05/19/2004 01:46:16 PM 38126 05/19/2004 05/19/2004 09/19/2007 05/19/2004 01:46:16 PM I did run things against a view here and had no problem. It could be the way the view is created that is causing the problem. Can't tell you much more without seeing the table/view desc and the the sql for that. By any chance is the date in a binary index? You could try this and see what comes back and maybe that would help. SELECT dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes.Date as tDtdot, dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes!Date as tDtApost, cdate(dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes.Date) as tdtcdatedot, fix(dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes.Date) as tdtfixdot, Cdate(Fix(dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes.Date)) as tDtcdatefixdot, cdate(fix([dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes].[date])) as tDtcfixbrac, cdate(fix([date])) as tDtcfixjdt, cdate(fix(date())) as tDtcfixfncdt >From dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes Order by dbo_V_S_Oil_Metering_Daily_Volumes.Date ascending Sorry wish I could be more help ************************************************** * Patricia O'Connor * Associate Computer Programmer Analyst * OTDA - BDMA * (W) mailto:Patricia.O'Connor at otda.state.ny.us * (w) mailto:aa1160 at nysemail.state.ny.us ************************************************** > -------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system. -----Original Message----- > From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com > [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of > Kaup, Chester > Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 03:30 PM > To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving > Subject: Re: [AccessD] Query returns data for wrong time period > > This is a regular access query. >