Mark A Matte
markamatte at
Wed Sep 26 10:58:01 CDT 2007
It actually doesn't chow as broken. ----------------------------------------> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 08:18:44 -0700> From: cfoust at> To: accessd at> Subject: Re: [AccessD] DAO References in New DBs>> Remember our long thread discussing IsBroken and setting references?> Have you tried this in a database with a broken reference? Not being a> skeptic, just curious.>> Charlotte Foust>> -----Original Message-----> From: accessd-bounces at> [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:16 AM> To: accessd at> Subject: Re: [AccessD] DAO References in New DBs>> Hi Mark>> You can run a function to do this:>> >> ' Length of GUID string per definition.> Private Const clngGUID As Long = 38>> Type GuidDefinition> Guid As String * clngGUID> Major As Integer> Minor As Integer> End Type>> Public Function RefAddDao() As Boolean>> Dim typGuid As GuidDefinition>> With typGuid> .Guid = "{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"> End With>> RefAddDao = ReferenceAddFromGuid(typGuid)>> End Function>> Public Function ReferenceAddFromGuid(ByRef typGuid As GuidDefinition) As> Boolean>> ' Add a reference from its GUID and verify it.> '> ' 2001-08-20. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.>>> ' Reference Guid not registered or registered with a lower version.> Const clngErrorGuidNotRegistered As Long = -2147319779>> Dim ref As Reference>> Dim booSuccess As Boolean>> On Error Resume Next>> With typGuid> References.AddFromGuid .Guid, .Major, .Minor> End With>> If Not Err = clngErrorGuidNotRegistered Then> ' The reference is registered but it may have been tampered with.> ' Find it and check that it is not broken.> For Each ref In References> With ref> If .BuiltIn = True Then> ' no need to study built in references.> ElseIf .Guid = typGuid.Guid Then> ' This is the added reference.> booSuccess = Not IsBroken97(ref)> If booSuccess = True Then> ' Return actual GUID version.> typGuid.Major = .Major> typGuid.Minor = .Minor> End If> End If> End With> Next> End If>> Set ref = Nothing>> ReferenceAddFromGuid = booSuccess>> End Function>> Public Function IsBroken97(ByVal ref As Access.Reference) As Boolean>> ' Alternative method to check if a reference is broken ' as the IsBroken> property cannot be used in Access97.> '> ' 2000-03-19. Gustav Brock. Cactus Data ApS.>> ' Refer to this article at Microsoft Technet:> '> ' Article ID: Q186720> '> ' The information in this article applies to:> ' Microsoft Access 97> '> ' SYMPTOMS> ' In Microsoft Access, IsBroken is a property of the References> collection.> ' The Microsoft Access Help topic on the Isbroken property states the> following:> '> ' The IsBroken property returns a Boolean value indicating whether a '> Reference object points to a valid reference in the Windows Registry.> '> ' Although this statement is correct, to receive this Boolean value '> you must trap for errors that are generated by the broken reference.> ' Also, the IsBroken property becomes True only when the file being> referenced ' is deleted and the Microsoft Windows Recycle Bin is> emptied.> ' This article details the steps necessary to receive the Boolean value.>> Dim booRefOK As Boolean> On Error GoTo Err_IsBroken97>> If Len(Dir(ref.FullPath, vbNormal))> 0 Then> booRefOK = Not ref.IsBroken> End If>> Exit_IsBroken97:> IsBroken97 = Not booRefOK> Exit Function>> Err_IsBroken97:> ' Ignore non existing servers, drives, and paths.> Resume Exit_IsBroken97>> End Function>> >> /gustav>>>>> markamatte at 26-09-2007 17:05>>>>> Sorry I forgot to change the Subject...Any ideas on how to get around> this...other than manually doing it everytime?>>> ORIGINAL QUESTION:> Hello All,> I just converted a db to XP that used Ted Avery's front end updater. The> problem I am having is the temp db that is created does not have a DAO> reference...actually any new db I create does not have a DAO reference.> How can I set this in VBA?> Thanks,> Mark A. Matte>>>> --> AccessD mailing list> AccessD at>> Website:>> --> AccessD mailing list> AccessD at>> Website: _________________________________________________________________ Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger