Michael Maddison
michael at ddisolutions.com.au
Wed Sep 26 19:04:49 CDT 2007
Absolutely correct. I have not found myself missing With... , with Intellisense you generally only have to type the first character or 2 anyway. I had to do some maint programming in VB6 this week and it just felt clunky. The only feature I miss is being able to break into the code from a MessageBox [CTL+Break]. Is there some shortcut I'm missing? cheers Michael M Hi Gustav, Thank you for your clarifications. <<< I miss the With .. End With constructs but that's it. >>> I'd bet you'll quickly forget about 'With ... End With' block and what for it was needed when you'll see how "smart" VS2005 IDE's Intellisense is for C#... -- Shamil