Mark A Matte
markamatte at
Fri Apr 11 15:04:05 CDT 2008
Hello All, I am working with OLE MSWord Object on an access form. I'm trying to play with the font...'highlighting' specifically. I can change the size,color,bold...and stuff but looking for highlighting. There does not seem to be intellisense for these properties on my maching. Any thoughts? Thanks, Mark A. Matte Here is the type of code I'm using: ******************* oDocument.Content.Select With oDocument.Application.Selection ' Add a heading at the top of the document... .Style = oDocument.Styles("Heading 1") .Font.Color = &HFF0000 .TypeText T1 .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1 '[wdAlignParagraphCenter] .TypeParagraph .TypeParagraph .Font.Bold = True .TypeText T2 End With Set oDocument = Nothing ******************** _________________________________________________________________ Pack up or back up–use SkyDrive to transfer files or keep extra copies. Learn how. ht