Kenneth Ismert
kismert at
Tue Apr 15 19:34:35 CDT 2008
Lambert, Sounds like you're not using IE6 for day-to-day browsing. Any modern browser (FireFox, Safari, Opera) will render graphics and web standards properly. Even IE7 will not significantly break cutting-edge web designs. My comments were directed towards those laggards who still use IE6 as their primary browser. It is time for web designers to discontinue support for IE6, since vastly better options are so easily available. I support IE8 primarily as a means of burying IE6. IE8 might even fully support CSS 2.1 -- only 11 years after the spec came out! -Ken > From: "Heenan, Lambert" <Lambert.Heenan at> > Them's fightin' words! :-) > > What about people like me who only use IE6 to get Windows Updates, and who > have set WU to *not* ask if I want to download IE7? I'm very happy with > FireFox and will only consider tying IE8 on a machine that will not be > missed if/when it dies trying to run M$ beta products. :-) > > Lambert >