[AccessD] Count of a weekday between two dates

Mark A Matte markamatte at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 17 09:06:39 CDT 2008

Would this approach work?


Mark A. Matte

Dim StartDT As Date
Dim EndDT As Date
Dim CT_WeekDay
StartDT = #1/7/2008#
EndDT = #1/23/2008#
CT_WeekDay = 0

Do Until StartDT> EndDT
Dim tt
tt = DatePart("w", StartDT)
    If DatePart("w", StartDT)> 1 And DatePart("w", StartDT) < 7 Then
        CT_WeekDay = CT_WeekDay + 1
    End If
    StartDT = DateAdd("d", 1, StartDT)
MsgBox CT_WeekDay & " weekdays."

> Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 15:37:13 +0200
> From: Gustav at cactus.dk
> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: [AccessD] Count of a weekday between two dates
> Hi all
> Recently I had to find the count of a weekday between two dates. Much to my surprise such code was not to be located.
> I had an old function for this but found out, that the trick is to fool DateDiff to believe that the week starts on the weekday in question.
> Public Function WeekdayDiff( _
> ByVal datDate1 As Date, _
> ByVal datDate2 As Date, _
> Optional ByVal bytWeekday As Byte) _
> As Long
> ' Returns signed count of a weekday of value bytWeekday
> ' between datDate1 and datDate2.
> '
> ' bytWeekday values should be one of the constants from vbMonday to vbSunday.
> ' If not or if not supplied, the weekday of datDate1 is assumed.
> '
> ' 2001-08-23. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
> ' 2008-04-09. Rewrite using DateDiff.
> Dim lngWeekdayDiff As Long
> ' No special error handling.
> On Error Resume Next
> ' Validate bytWeekday.
> Select Case bytWeekday
> Case _
> vbMonday, _
> vbTuesday, _
> vbWednesday, _
> vbThursday, _
> vbFriday, _
> vbSaturday, _
> vbSunday
> Case Else
> ' None or invalid value for weekday.
> bytWeekday = WeekDay(datDate1, vbSunday)
> End Select
> lngWeekdayDiff = DateDiff("ww", datDate1, datDate2, bytWeekday)
> WeekdayDiff = lngWeekdayDiff
> End Function
> Have fun!
> /gustav
> --
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