[AccessD] Turn a Table

Chris Enright cclenright at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 24 04:24:51 CDT 2008

Hi Group

Could someone please tell me if there is a simple way to solve this problem ...
I started a small project from each end (stupid!) and have ended up with a problem in the middle that I can't seem to solve.
I managed to import the sheets from an Excel workbook into Access and have also got the export back to Excel for upload to the web working fine but have ended up with this situation.
The imported/export tables (reduced for example) are like this..
and produces a table like:
Task                 John                 Jane                 Bill                   Mary                Simon
Task 1              2                      1                      4                      3                      0
Task 2              1                      0                      1                      2                      4
Task 3              0                      4                      0                      1                      1
However, my table for the Form that data is entered on populates a table that can be filtered by name (and date… not shown) and is:
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
….(25 Tasks)
and this table is like this:
Name               Task1               Task2               Task3               (25 tasks….)
John                 2                      1                      0
Jane                 1                      0                      4
Bill                   4                      1                      0
Mary                3                      2                      1
Simon               0                      4                      1
My problem is either to find a way of converting tblNames to tblTasks (spent 3 days trying this ) OR find a way of using tblTasks as the input table for my forms so that the individuals can enter their daily work against tasks...
Can any one help please? I have to try and get this live by Monday morning and don't want to spend the weekend on it ... :)

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