Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Mon Dec 1 19:39:27 CST 2008
I didn't have one five minutes ago, but I do now. Here you go: Function LastLine(FileName As String) As String Dim strFileContent As String Dim strLastLine As String ' Get entire file into memory Open FileName For Binary As #1 strFileContent = Space$(LOF(1)) Get #1, , strFileContent Close #1 'Strip any trailing CrLf If Right(strFileContent, 2) = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) Then strFileContent = Left$(strFileContent, Len(strFileContent) - 2) End If 'Find Last CrLf and get everything after it LastLine = Mid$(strFileContent, InStrRev(strFileContent, Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)) + 1) End Function Cheers, Stuart On 2 Dec 2008 at 9:25, Darren D wrote: > Does anyone have code to read the last line of a text file - the text file grows > and shrinks so a fixed position read won't work. >