[AccessD] Back end bloat

Asger Blond ab-mi at post3.tele.dk
Mon Dec 15 19:03:56 CST 2008

Hi Charlotte,

"The later version of Access create their own hidden queries
for things and that's where a lot of bloat comes from as well."

Interesting point, can you elaborate that?


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] På vegne af Charlotte Foust
Sendt: 16. december 2008 00:59
Til: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Emne: Re: [AccessD] Back end bloat

So the queries are being created in the front end and executed against
the back end?  That shouldn't cause back end bloat, but if you're
running queries that actually execute in the back end, then yes it will
bloat the database. I'm not sure what you mean about adding and removing
data in a temporary backend.  You still have to pass those changes to
the backend and any changes against backend data will cause at least
some bloat.  The later version of Access create their own hidden queries
for things and that's where a lot of bloat comes from as well.  Stored
queries are generally more efficient in Access because they can be
optimized by the query engine while on the fly queries take a hit there.

Charlotte Foust

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