[AccessD] Missing Dates

Mark A Matte markamatte at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 6 11:14:57 CST 2008

Hello All,

I recently read an article about 'missing dates'.  I know we discussed this in the past...but our archives don't search very well.  The results are limited by some random dates...anyway....

Any thoughts on the approach I used...speed,accuracy...all that good stuff.  I needed to find the earliest date not listed in the closed_date field.  All of the other approaches seemed to be very complicated, using case statements, arrays, temp tables...mine seems too simple.  Any thoughts?

*****************SQL START*************************
SELECT Min([tblCase]![closed_date]+1) AS MD
FROM tblCase LEFT JOIN tblCase AS tblCase_1 ON ([tblCase].[closed_date]+1) = tblCase_1.closed_date
WHERE (((tblCase_1.closed_date) Is Null));
*****************SQL END*************************


Mark A. Matte
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