[AccessD] Extract Field Names to Records

Chris Enright cclenright at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 22 09:52:06 CST 2008

I wonder if someone would kindly help me do this?
We record employees hours on some system somewhere on the corporate web and we upload it as an Excel Workbook.
All the pre-work is done back here in Access 2003 and exported to the workbook.
The problem is that if staff changes are made with the present system it requires the changes to be made at both ends and I am trying to automate it to stop errors.
For example, the table below is an example of one of the sheets imported back from the web and I want to extract the employee names that are currently fields and put them into a table as records so they can be used in a list box. (If all the fields were turned to records I would just delete the first four so I only had names).
Field Name                  Data Type
RowType                     Text
IDWwCoreTask          Text
CoreTaskName            Text
Type                            Text
Anstey_Simon              Number
Buckland_David           Number
Britton_Pam                 Number
Chaney_Catharine        Number
Davis_Steph                 Number
Etc. etc.                        Number
I am sure the solution is somewhere in the archives but I have spent days searching them and Google but must be asking the wrong question.
Many thanks

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