[AccessD] 'Cascade' within a single combo box...

Steve Schapel miscellany at mvps.org
Wed Feb 27 22:03:17 CST 2008


Make a query, that includes 2 input tables:
- the table that your form is bound to
- the table that provides the Row Source for the combobox.

Join them on the field that is the combobox's Bound Column.

Make this as a Left Join (i.e. all from the lookup table, and matching 
records from the main table).

In the criteria of the relevant field from the main table, enter:
Is Null

Also enter whatever criteria you need in order to select the records 
that relate to the Record Source of the form.

Save and name this query.

Ok, now on the Enter event of the combobox, code like this:
    Me.NameOfCombobox.RowSource = "NameOfAboveMentionedQuery"

... and on its Exit event:
    Me.NameOfCombobox.RowSource = "NameOfYourLookupTable"


Darryl Collins wrote:
> Hey all,
> This is probably easy (i sure hope so) but I am having a brain freeze today.  I have a continuous form with a combo box on it.  Ideally when the user chooses one option form the combo box the next box should only have available the remaining options (less the one chosen) etc etc - similar to having casading combo boxes (only I just want the one).
> Actually, this could be set up all wrong using a continuous form when I think about it.
> Is this possible to do, and am I approaching this the correct way? (I suspect not).

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