[AccessD] Code Help Please

Joe Hecht joe at anamericanjoe.us
Fri Feb 29 08:20:09 CST 2008

The following code is supposed warn when the value of a particular text gets
changed. You almost never want the value changed after the record is



Private Sub txtQBInvoice_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

    If Me.txtQBInvoice = "" Then


    If Me.txtQBInvoice.Value <> Me.txtQBInvoice.OldValue Then

          Dim lngRetval As Long


  lngRetval = MsgBox( _

    "The Quick Books Invoice Number has changed." & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf &
"Do you want to change this Value?", _

    vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton2, _

    "QB Invoice Number has been changed")


  Select Case lngRetval

    Case vbYes

        Me.txtQBInvoice.Value = Me.txtQBInvoice.Value


    Case vbNo

        Me.txtQBInvoice.Value = Me.txtQBInvoice.OldValue


   End Select


  End If

  End If


End Sub


I get error 2115  The Macro or function in the before update is preventing
access from saving the record.  This message occurs when I click the no
button and debug hilites the case vbNo.


What I want on the no click is for the value to be set to the old value and
move to the next field.


If this is a new record and there was no old value this check should not




Joe Hecht

Joe at anamericanjoe.us


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