John Bartow
john at
Thu Jan 24 09:40:00 CST 2008
Rocky, Here is code I use use for mail merging: 'Form code: '---------- Private Sub cmdWordPersonLetter_Click() ' Comments : Opens Word document for doing a envelope merge with individuals (not companies) ' Source : WinHaven revised: 10/24/2003 ' Parameters : none ' Returns : none On Error GoTo cmdWordPersonLetter_Click_ERR Dim fOk As Boolean DoCmd.Hourglass True DoCmd.Echo False, "Performing Mail Merge with Word Letter Document..." fOk = OpenWordDocument("qryPeopleForMerging", False, "") DoCmd.Echo True, "Word Merge process complete." DoCmd.Hourglass False cmdWordPersonLetter_Click_EXIT: Exit Sub cmdWordPersonLetter_Click_ERR: Exit Sub End Sub 'Module code: '------------ Function OpenWordDocument(strQuery As String, fChoose As Boolean, Optional strWordFile As String) As Boolean ' Comments : Opens specific Word document for mail merging ' Source : WinHaven revised: 10/24/2003 ' Parameters : strQuery - indicates the query to be used for the merge ' fChoose - indicates if user will browse for word file or if one has been specified ' strWordFile - name of the file to open ' Returns : Boolean (to indicate results) On Error GoTo OpenWordDocument_ERR Dim objWord As Object Dim strDialogTitle As String Dim strPath As String Dim strFileFilter As String Dim strMergeFilePath As String Dim strDocFile As String strPath = GetCurrentPath_TSB() strMergeFilePath = strPath & "MergeData.txt" Call CreateMergeDataSource(strQuery, strMergeFilePath) 'let user pick merge file If fChoose = True Then strDialogTitle = "Find the MS Word Merge Document" strFileFilter = "Word Documents or Templates (*.doc;*.dot)|*.doc;*.dot" DoCmd.Echo False, "Retrieving Word Document..." DoCmd.Hourglass False strDocFile = OpenFiles(strDialogTitle, strPath, strFileFilter) DoCmd.Hourglass True Else strDocFile = strPath & strWordFile End If If strDocFile = "" Then 'User pressed Cancel OpenWordDocument = False GoTo OpenWordDocument_EXIT End If Set objWord = GetObject(strDocFile, "Word.Document") ' Make Word visible With objWord .Application.Visible = True 'Execute the mail merge .MailMerge.ViewMailMergeFieldCodes = True .MailMerge.Execute End With OpenWordDocument = True Set objWord = Nothing OpenWordDocument_EXIT: Exit Function OpenWordDocument_ERR: Exit Function End Function Private Sub CreateMergeDataSource(ByVal strTblQry As String, ByVal strFilePath As String) ' Comments : Creates a text file for merge purposes ' Source : Bret Barabash - from AccessD ' Parameters : strTblQry - Query or Table to use for producing mail merge file ' strFilePath - path and filename of the file to be created ' Returns : Boolean (to indicate results) On Error GoTo CreateMergeDataSource_ERR 'use delimiters that won't be used in a normal Word document Const cstrFieldDelim As String = "~" Const cstrRecordDelim As String = "^" Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim fld As DAO.Field Dim lngFileNo As Long Dim strBuffer As String Set db = CurrentDb() Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strTblQry, dbOpenSnapshot) 'Initialize field name list (first line of data source) For Each fld In rs.Fields Select Case fld.Type Case dbGUID, dbLongBinary, dbMemo 'Do not include these types of fields Case Else strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr$(34) & fld.Name & Chr$(34) & cstrFieldDelim End Select Next fld strBuffer = strBuffer & cstrRecordDelim 'Loop through all records in source table/query Do Until rs.EOF For Each fld In rs.Fields DoCmd.Hourglass True Select Case fld.Type Case dbGUID, dbLongBinary, dbMemo 'Do not include these types of fields Case Else strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr$(34) & fld.Value & Chr$(34) & cstrFieldDelim End Select DoCmd.Hourglass False Next fld strBuffer = strBuffer & cstrRecordDelim rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close 'Make sure there isn't already a file with the name of the merge file. If Dir(strFilePath) <> "" Then Kill strFilePath End If 'Generate data source text file lngFileNo = FreeFile Open strFilePath For Output As #lngFileNo Print #lngFileNo, strBuffer Close #lngFileNo Set rs = Nothing Set db = Nothing CreateMergeDataSource_EXIT: Exit Sub CreateMergeDataSource_ERR: Exit Sub End Sub Function GetCurrentPath_TSB() As String ' Comments : returns that path that the currently database is located in ' Source : FMS Access Source Book '97 ' Parameters: none ' Returns : path of current database ' Dim dbsCurrent As Database Dim strTmp As String Dim strNew As String Dim intCounter As Integer Dim chrTmp As String * 1 Dim fAdd As Boolean Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb() strTmp = dbsCurrent.Name For intCounter = Len(strTmp) To 1 Step -1 chrTmp = Mid$(strTmp, intCounter, 1) If chrTmp = "\" Then fAdd = True End If If fAdd Then strNew = chrTmp & strNew End If Next intCounter GetCurrentPath_TSB = strNew End Function Public Function OpenFiles(strTitle As String, strInitDir As String, strFileType As String, Optional strDefaultExt As String, Optional strDefaultFileName As String) As String ' Comments : Opens the common dialog for finding a file ' Source : WinHaven revised: 10/24/2003 ' Parameters : strTitle=Title of Dialog Box ' strInitDir=Initial Directory to Open ' strFileType=Default File Type to Filter for ' strDefaultExt=default file extension to filter for ' strDefaultFileName=Default File Name to use ' Returns : full path of file selected On Error GoTo OpenFiles_ERR 'Open up a hidden form containing a common dialog control DoCmd.OpenForm "frmUtilityCommonDialog", WindowMode:=acHidden 'Give the form time to load DoEvents 'Set the properties of the Common dialog control If IsEmpty(strDefaultExt) Then strDefaultExt = "" End If If IsEmpty(strDefaultFileName) Then strDefaultFileName = "" End If With Forms!frmUtilityCommonDialog!ctlComDialog .DialogTitle = strTitle .InitDir = strInitDir .Filter = strFileType .DefaultExt = strDefaultExt .CancelError = False .FileName = strDefaultFileName .Flags = OFN_LONGNAMES + OFN_HIDEREADONLY + OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST End With 'Invoke the File Open common dialog Forms!frmUtilityCommonDialog!ctlComDialog.ShowOpen 'Store the name and location the user selected OpenFiles = Forms!frmUtilityCommonDialog!ctlComDialog.FileName OpenFiles_Exit: Exit Function OpenFiles_ERR: MsgBox "MsgBox 'Error in basWindowsCommonDialogs_WH - OpenFiles: ' & Error$", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Information" Resume OpenFiles_Exit End Function