Tony Septav
iggy at
Sat Jan 26 08:44:23 CST 2008
Hey All I have an inherited Word Table that I would like to bring into Access 2003. I have followed the intructions of selecting the table and then converting it to text using a % delimiter character (checked table data no % used whereas commas are used in the table) and saving it as a text only file. When Word converts the table to text, the format is kinda of goofy. Simple example Word Table column headers are converted to Reference Number% Date % Category % Action % Required % When I try to import it into Access or Excel I get column headers Reference Number Date Category Action Required being the first row of data 1 July 31/07 being the second row of data It gets worse with the text in the rows. I can manually go in and fix the text file. I have not done this before I am missing something obvious here??? Thanks