[AccessD] no automatic round up/off

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Sun Jul 13 19:35:46 CDT 2008

I had this happen with a form that had several subforms. It worked fine 
until we put it on the network. Turned out it was Novell flag, but of 
course, I was stuck with the problem and ended up recreating the form. That 
was a long time ago though.

Susan H.

> "Can a form also be corrupt?"
> Pedro,
> Even in my limited experience I have had several forms go corrupt.  It is 
> hard to diagnose at first, but often just replacing the form with a backup 
> (or new version) will resolve the issue - it is certainly worth a try and 
> can save you (well me at least) hours of annoyance.

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