[AccessD] Optimizing subqueries

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Jun 3 12:34:17 CDT 2008

Hi Max

On my way home .. but couldn't you just pull in the tables you lookup and create inner joins on the three




>>> max.wanadoo at gmail.com 03-06-2008 19:22 >>>

I need to try to optimize this function into a query (or set of queries).
Can you help?
When I try to do it, the "NOT IN" clause is so slllloooowww that I resorted
to creating this temp table.


Public Function pfpf()
  Dim datStart As Date, datEnd As Date
  Dim sql As String, rst As DAO.Recordset, rst2 As DAO.Recordset, lngRecCt
As Long
  datStart = Time()
  Debug.Print datStart,
  sql = "Drop Table tblTempOrgs"
  On Error Resume Next
  CurrentDb.Execute (sql)
  sql = "Create Table tblTempOrgs (FKOrgID Long)"
  CurrentDb.Execute (sql)
  sql = "Create Unique Index FKOrgID on tblTempOrgs (FKOrgID)"
  CurrentDb.Execute (sql)
  sql = "Select OrgID, FKOrgTypeID from mcmOrganisations Where
FKDefaultROID=11200 and (FKOrgTypeID = 1 or FKOrgTypeID = 4 or (FKOrgTypeID
> 9 and FKOrgTypeID < 13))"
  Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
  Do While Not rst.EOF
    If DCount("*", "LinkTrusts2Contacts", "FKOrgID=" & rst!OrgID) > 0 Then '
there is a contact
      If DCount("*", "mcmIncomeTransactions", "FKOrgID=" & rst!OrgID) = 0
Then ' no previous transaction
        If DCount("*", "tblTrustBids", "FKOrgID=" & rst!OrgID) = 0 Then 'no
previous bids
          sql = "Insert into tblTempOrgs (FKOrgID) values (" & rst!OrgID &
          CurrentDb.Execute (sql)
        End If
      End If
    End If
  lngRecCt = DCount("*", "tblTempOrgs")
  datEnd = Time()
  Debug.Print datEnd, DateDiff("s", datStart, datEnd), lngRecCt
  Debug.Print "==============================================="
End Function


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