Rocky Smolin at Beach Access Software
rockysmolin at
Wed Jun 4 12:02:11 CDT 2008
Dear List: Lister Karen Rosenstiel has redone my Beach Access Software web site and we would both be grateful for anyone who wants to take a few minutes to look at it and give us some feedback on what you like, what you don't like. It's in a temporary folder right now. Hoping to go live shortly. The old web site - my homegrown attempt at a web presence - is at so you can see what it looks like now (not too pretty). You can reply offline to Karen (krosenstiel at and myself (rockysmolin at or to the list which I think would be of value to others on the list since many of us need our own web sites and could profit from the combined advice of the list. So, many thanks in advance. Rocky Smolin Beach Access Software 858-259-4334 <> <>