[AccessD] Trick Needed

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Jun 10 11:07:07 CDT 2008

Thanks Mark! That explains.


>>> markamatte at hotmail.com 10-06-2008 18:03 >>>


I see the errors of my ways.  

I was getting errors when I tried your approach...but it was because I had a set the control source of Text2...so when your example would fire...it would fail...but My Fault.

To Clarify...the example Susan asked if it worked(bottom of email).....that was my example...and the answer would NO...it did NOT work....as Gustav pointed out...if you left TEXT1...TEXT2 would error.

Gustav's example, however, did work...

Private Sub Text1_Change()
Me!Text2.Value = Len(Me!Text1.Text)
End Sub

Sorry for the confusion.


Mark A. Matte

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