jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Jun 10 20:19:13 CDT 2008
Thanks for that link Gustav. I am reading it now. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Gustav Brock wrote: > Hi John > > With that enthusiasm of yours, WWF - Windows Workflow Foundation, must represent nothing less than a Christmas present for you: > > http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163281.aspx > > I'm still looking for a good project to put it into action ... > > /gustav > > >>>> jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com 10-06-2008 20:42 >>> > How many of you know what a state machine is? > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_state_machine > > More generically a state machine is a structure (hardware or > software) that stores the current "state" of something and > uses stimuli to cause changes from the current state to some > other state. State machines prevent and allow state changes > from a specific state to another specific state. > > IOW from this state you can only move to "these other > states" and which state you actually move to will be > determined by something that occurred. > > I wrote a state machine for my disability call center software. > > During the processing of claims, EVENTS happen. Events can > be (pretty much) anything that the client wants to call an > EVENT, IOW it has to be programmable by the client. Some > actual EVENTS from the event table: > > New Claim Notice > Approve > Pend > Terminate > Deny > Re-Open > Suspend > Delete This Event > Receive > Appeal > Uphold Denial > Uphold Termination > Transfer In > Transfer Out > Not Received > > There are MANY MANY more. > > Events MAY or may not cause STATUSES. Some actual statuses > from the STATUS table: > > CS_Status > None > First Notice > Open > Pending > Terminated > Denied > Re-Opened > Suspended > Received > Appeal > Upheld Denial > Upheld Termination > Transfer In > Transferred Out > Determined at IDE > Archived > Not Received > > Now, obviously EVENTS and STATUSES are NOT the same thing. > Events MAY CAUSE a status change, however there are RULES > about what STATUS can be "moved to" from the current status. > For example you cannot go to the CLOSED status unless the > claim is OPEN. You cannot RE-OPEN a claim that is ALREADY > in the OPEN state. APPEAL can move to UPHELD DENIAL, UPHELD > TERMINATION or OPEN, and so forth. > > So you have to have a transition table that maps the current > status to "POSSIBLE" status, IOW "where can you go from > here". You also have a stimulus table that maps "this event > can cause this status (or causes NO status change)". An > OPEN event causes an OPEN status, but a "DOCUMENT RECEIVED" > or a "LETTER SENT" event does not cause a status change. > > And finally you have a table that says "this event can > happen when in this state". > > Then of course you have a class system that enforces the > rules. It loads all of the tables into class instances > which are then stored in collections. > > The tables are "the rules" for the state machine and are > fully programmable by the client. The user is presented a > list of "possible events" in a combo box. Basically the > current status is discovered and used to filter the list of > events to those that can occur in that state. The user can > therefore only select an event if the system says that it > can occur while in the current state. > > State machines are wonderful devices for mapping business > rules where "this process can only happen in these cases". > > In my case, there is a table of events that have occurred in > the claim. These events display the entire history of the > claim and are the focal point of the claim processing. The > events channel the user, allowing them to do what makes > sense given where we are in the processing sequence, and > preventing doing things that make no sense given the current > state of the claim process. > > The user can examine the event table and see what events > have transpired, the sequence of events, the dates, memos > about those events etc. We even create events from outside > processes such as the mail merge process creates an event > "letter sent" with the name of the letter, who it was sent > to etc. > > State machines, check them out. They might just solve that > thorny process control problem that you are facing. >