[AccessD] Lebans' Calendar Screen

Doug Murphy dw-murphy at cox.net
Mon Jun 23 10:42:58 CDT 2008

Hi Dan,

Cool.  I also like the concept of your instruction site. What do you use to
create your videos?


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Dan Waters
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 7:04 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: [AccessD] Lebans' Calendar Screen

Hello to Everyone!

Last week I learned how to use Stephen Lebans' date selection calendar.
This is not an ActiveX control, but uses API calls.  If you haven't looked
at this calendar you should.  It's quite versatile and is user-configurable.

For my customers' use I often record short tutorial videos.  If you'd like
to view the video I made for this Calendar, you can go to
http://www.promationsystems.com/demo.htm.  The link is at the bottom of the
page.  The video is in WMV format, is about 11 minutes long, and goes
through all the features.

I also may have 'stumbled' across a way of using this on a subform.  Instead
of instantiating the class (clsMonthCal) in the form as per the instructions
on Lebans' site, I instantiated this in a standard module (thanks to Lambert
and Charlotte!).  I'm posting the code to do this below:

'-- In a form or subform (I have only tried a 1st level subform)

Private Sub butGetDates_Click()

    '-- The End Date is optional but is needed if you want a date range.
    '-- Pass the complete reference to the date controls so that _
        the standard module can write back to them.
    Call OpenCalendar(Forms("frmMain")("txtStartDate"), Me.hWnd,
End Sub

'-- In a standard module

'-- Get the example .mdb from Lebans' site. _
    It contains the class module (clsMonthCal) and 4 standard modules. _
    Instructions are on the page for this Calendar.

Private mc As clsMonthCal

Public Sub OpenCalendar(txtStartDateOnForm As TextBox, lnghwnd As Long,
Optional txtEndDateOnForm As TextBox)

    Dim blnRet As Boolean
    Dim dteStart As Date
    Dim dteEnd As Date

    '-- Create an instance of our Class
    Set mc = New clsMonthCal

    '-- Set the hWndForm Property
    mc.hWndForm = lnghwnd

    '-- Date fields are typically empty to start with
    dteStart = Nz(txtStartDateOnForm, 0)
    dteEnd = 0

    '-- Run the calendar.  The calendar is modal during this line
    blnRet = ShowMonthCalendar(mc, dteStart, dteEnd)

    If blnRet = True Then
        txtStartDateOnForm = dteStart
        If Not txtEndDateOnForm Is Nothing Then
            txtEndDateOnForm = dteEnd
        End If
        '-- Add any message here if you want to _
            inform the user that no date was selected
    End If

End Sub


Perhaps someone will find this to be helpful!

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